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Updated over a week ago

Upon your first login, you will be greeted with our dashboard. Depending on your organisation’s agreed access, you will be given access to different modules within the platform. To get started with an action, simply click on the link via quick navigation section.

If you don’t have access to certain modules, you can request for access and our team will be in touch to enable access.

If you have any questions and feedback, feel free to contact us via our in-app chat which can be found at the bottom of the left menu.

Welcome to your dashboard.

Below are the descriptions for each section numbered above on the dashboard:

1. Quick Navigation section - More details in the subsequent sections

2. Discover Audiences - More details in the subsequent sections.

3. View Daily Integrations Data Ingestion - More details in the subsequent sections.

4. View Measurements Report Summary - More details in the subsequent sections.

5. View Activation Audiences Status -More details in the subsequent sections.

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