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Create Audience
Updated over 11 months ago

Our audience builder enables you to build a custom audience using using your on-boarded first party enriched data.

Creating an Audience - Data Source

Create Audience also enables you to choose and combine different data sources that you have connected to build your own combination of audiences.

For example Website Visitors who browsed the products page and also belong to the Loyalty email list.

  1. You can select Lifesight as a data source to create custom audience sets using predefined Lifesight audience segments.

  2. You can select Lifesight or your first party data source to select the source name.

  3. You can select a first party data source like Amazon S3, Email file upload, Ad channel data source.

  4. You can select the Audience category and the segment name from the drop downs given to choose. For example Brand Audiences chosen to select Nike or Volvo store visitors.

  5. You can configure an audience using the different combinations of predefined Lifesight audiences listed above as shown below. All combinations of AND/OR possible to be built including. This includes making an audience combination of first party data source and Lifesight audience segments.

  6. To select the look-back period, the radius and the visit frequency for your audiences, for the audience segments, you can click on configure to choose the right audience segments.

    Below are the options to choose
    Visit Period look-back - Options available are 30-60-90 days
    Visit Frequency - Once, sometimes and Often.
    Radius - Indoors ( within the POI boundary), 100m or 1km radius.

    Creating an Audience - Insights

Before activating your audiences to any of the advertising channels, you can do a quick check on the insights of the audience generated. This applies to both Lifesight audience and your first party data audience.

1. You can select Lifesight as a data source to create custom audience sets using predefined Lifesight audience segments.

You can select Lifesight or your first party data source to select the source name.

2. You can select a first party data source like Amazon S3, Email file upload, Ad channel data source.

3. You can click on the Insights button on the bottom that helps you check the insights for the chosen audience combination.

4. You can check the insights for each audience type for the chosen audience combination in a visual format.

5. You can choose the type of insights you want to check on the top most section of the Insights window.

Creating an Audience - Building Lookalikes

To increase the scale for your audiences , you have the means to use the "Lookalike Audiences" functionality. You can create lookalikes to increase the scale based on two methods described below.

Once you have calculated the reach for the audience you can choose to save the audiences as is with your own custom name.

You can click on the "Generate Lookalike" check box option to generate lookalikes for your seed audiences.

1. Lifesight Universe :- You can extend the reach using the Lifesight universe of enriched attributes to build a lookalike. This is typically used when your 1st party data does not have enough scale and you want to build scale using Lifesight enriched data.

2. 1st Party Universe :- You can extend the reach using your own 1st party universe of data and its attributes. This is applicable if you have large amount of your own 1st party data to work with.

Types of Lookalike Audiences :

1. Once you have clicked on the Generate Lookalike checkbox, you will get an option to choose the scale depending on two types of lookalike models

a. Similarity - This type of lookalike is built based on the closeness to the traits that are seen for the seed audience. Lifesight uses the top 6 behavioural attributes to build the similarity based audiences. Behavioural attributes in this case are Brands, Place categories, Geo-Behavioural, Interests, App category and Intent.

b. Reach - This type of lookalike is based on traits similar to your seed audience but built for scale, and hence based on Reach.

Lifesight uses lesser no of behavioural attributes in the case of Reach based lookalike, 3 in this case to build the similarity based audiences. Behavioural attributes in this case are Brands, Place categories and Geo-Behavioural attributes.

Once you have chosen the type of lookalike you want to use, you can click on Save to save/ activate audiences on your choice of platform.

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